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Phthalates in Cosmetics: Why You Want to Avoid This Endocrine Disruptor

One of the remarkable things about skincare products is how shocking it is that certain ingredients, for example, formaldehyde, sulfates parabens, silicones, artificial fragrances, gluten, artificial dues, petroleum, aluminum, Propylene glycol, PEGs (Polyethylene glycol), Diethanolamine (DEA) , EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid), Triclosan, and Toluene (to name a few) are ever even allowed in them.

One category of those types of ingredients is phthalates. Used in skincare, they are to be avoided for a multitude of reasons.

What Are Phthalates ?

Phthalates are actually a group of chemicals that are esters of phthalic acid. They are used primarily as preservatives, but they also make things (like the packaging your food comes in, kids’ products like toys, nail polish, perfumes, even vinyl flooring! So, the same group of ingredients often used to make your floor may also be in your cosmetics!

While phthalates are still used in the U.S. in skincare and other cosmetics, many are banned in the E.U. If that doesn’t give you pause, we’re not sure what would!

Just so you can look out for them in your skincare, here is a list of major phthalates:

  • DBP (dibutyl phthalate)

  • DINP (diisononyl phthalate)

  • DEP (diethyl phthalate)

  • DEHP (di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate)

  • DMP (dimethyl phthalate)

  • BBP (benzyl butyl phthalate)

  • DNOP (di-n-octyl phthalate)

  • DIDP (diisodecyl phthalate)

Why Are Phthalates Used in Skin Care ?

Phthalates are used for a lot of different reasons in skincare and makeup. Here are just a few of them:

Phthalates are used as preservatives - When used in skin care phthalates can make products last much longer than they would without them.

Phthalates make color last longer - Phthalates also help preserve the color in cosmetics as well which is why you need to look out for them in makeup.

Phthalates make fragrances last longer - Fragrances frequently have phthalates in them because they make them last longer.

Phthalates make products stronger - Phthalates are also used to make products stronger and more flexible which is why they’re used in products like nail polish.

Phthalates make products less stiff and/or more pliable- It seems counterintuitive to think that something that makes products stronger can also make them less stiff, but it’s true! It’s one of the main reasons they’re used in hairspray. Without phthalates, hairspray would be so stiff your hair wouldn’t move.

Although phthalates clearly have some benefits in skincare and makeup, they are absolutely not worth it, especially since other, safer ingredients can do the same things just as well.

Why Phthalates Should Be Avoided ?

Phthalates cause endocrine disruption - Of all the reasons not to use phthalates, this is usually cited as the most common one. Phthalates are endocrine disruptors which can cause a whole host of problems. For that reason, phthalates are thought to cause cancers such as breast cancer.

This can also cause birth defects for children born of women who were exposed to phthalates during pregnancy. It can also cause low sperm count for males born from women who were exposed to phthalates during pregnancy. Not only that, it’s thought to cause lower I.Q. and developmental delays in children.

Phthalates are thought to cause other kinds of cancer - Cancers like liver cancer have been associated with phthalates.

Phthalates cause obesity - Some studies suggest that the more children are exposed to phthalates, the more likely they are to develop obesity.

Phthalates are thought to contribute to infertility - In addition to causing low sperm count for males, phthalates are thought to also cause infertility in women as well.

Phthalates are thought to cause major problems regarding birth - The list of issues caused by phthalates regarding birth is not only long but very serious. Exposure to phthalates is thought to cause everything from preterm birth to preeclampsia and even miscarriage and those are just the major issues.

Phthalates can interfere with the thyroid - Phthalates can cause issues with thyroid hormone levels and are thought to contribute to thyroid cancer.

Phthalates are thought to cause asthma - Phthalates are thought to cause inflammation of the body’s airways, especially in children.

Phthalates are thought to cause heart issues - Phthalates are thought to cause everything from increased blood pressure to heart cell and artery wall damage.

While this may seem like a very scary list, believe it or not, this isn’t even everything!

What Kinds of Products Use Phthalates ?

Part of the reason it’s so hard to avoid phthalates is that they’re in so many products. Here are just a few of the products in which you might find phthalates:

1.Shampoos - Phthalates are used as a softening agent in many shampoos and conditioners.

2.Soap - For much the same reasons, phthalates are found in soap.

3.Fragrances - Phthalates are used in perfumes quite frequently. They are also used in scented candles and other scented products like lotions and body washes in large part because they help these products retain their scents longer.

4.Makeup - As we mentioned above, phthalates help products retain color longer, thus they are frequently found in makeup.

5.Nail polish - Phthalates are often found in nail polish in order to keep it strong yet flexible.

6.Food packaging - There is a lot of plastic packaging out there just full of phthalates and guess what? Food can actually absorb phthalates from that packaging.

Again, this is just a partial list of products that could have phthalates in them!


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