Pregnancysafecosmetics | Pregnancy Safe Cosmetics
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Pregnancy, Lactation and Fertility Safe Cosmetics, Skin & Bath Care. Serving Fertility Clinics Nationwide

Inspired to Be the Change

Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant by 22% to 47% With a Free Toxin Exposure Evaluation
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Protect Your Pregnancy

Ingredients in synthetic cosmetics have now been linked, through medical studies, to improper sexual development of boys in the womb, hormone disruption in mothers and mammary gland disruption. Even essential oils and some plant extracts commonly found in organic make up are now linked by medical study to the same concerns thousands of synthetic ingredients have been linked. These include:​

  • Maternal toxicity

  • Fetal toxicity 

  • Pre-term birth

  • Small for gestational age

  • Pre-eclampsia

  • Growth restriction

  • Fetal death, Miscarriage, & Still birth

  • Birth anamolies &/or defects

You deserve peace of mind in your pregnancy. Ask us about our Toxin Reduction Programs & switch to our pregnancy safe cosmetics!


Protect Your Nursing Infant

In synthetic make up, there are thousands of toxic chemicals that pass into a mothers milk. Previously  considered safe exposure levels to infants are now no longer considered safe (according to studies as recent as 2021) and could affect a babies endocrine systems and sexual development in a negative manner. The European Union bans 2,500 personal care & cosmetic ingredients while the USA bans eleven! And in lactating women, studies have shown that even essential oils, as well as various (at least 33 noted in studies we found) herbal extracts, once passed into mother's milk, have an unhealthy to toxic effect on:


  • An infant's hepatic metabolic enzymes,

  • An infant's estrogen and iodine levels,

  • An infant's central nervous system.


Don’t sweat your beauty products. Buy from us. We don’t have any ingredients even suspected of being harmful in our beauty products.

Image de Evangeline Sarney

Protect Your Conception Efforts

Non-organic cosmetics contain phthalates, parabens, and other dangerous chemicals that are now linked to male infertility, disruption of menstruation, ovulation dysfunction, increased risk of endometriosis,  and longer times to conception. The reason why many assisted fertility cycles fail (IVF & IUI for example) is that these ingredients can be the reason for germline dysfunction and aneuploidy, poor oocyte retrieval, lower AMH, ovarian ageing, poor embryo quality, embryo implanatation failure, embryonic cell death,  and even an eventual diagnosis of infertility.


The gold standard for fertility-safe beauty has been organic products. But, they often contain ingredients, now linked by medical study, to:

  • Embryo implantation failure

  • Pre-implantation embryonic & fetal cell death

  • Problems in embryonic & fetal development

  • Miscarriage

Why take a risk? Buy our Pregnancy Safe Cosmetics. Our products have been used by numerous fertility coachs & clinics via our Toxin Reduction programs to help patients get pregnant. To learn more about these programs, click below. Fill out the short form on our Fertility Program page to claim you free toxin exposure evaluation!



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